Monday, September 26, 2011

Delicious-ly Fall!

 Are you starting to decorate for Fall yet? Do you decorate for Fall? I do, in fact, it is one of my favorite times to break out all my flowers, pumpkins, and paint. There is just something spectacular about a season that reminds us to give thanks!

Here is a little glimpse of what we will be making today... jazzing up a plain, white, craft pumpkin, and some teeny little colored ones too.

 Here is the palette we are using, so go grab your supplies, plus a white craft pumpkin, and some minis too.

I hope you enjoy!!!

xx Heidi

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1 comment:

Stac said...

Holy Smokin' Rockets!!!! What a super fun, super fabulous idea. Gotta run out and get some pumpkins and make them as pretty as yours. Thanks Heidi!!!